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Parental Surveillance and Resilience in Chilean Youth, and Digital Citizenship in Latin America: The Themes that Marked the Presentations of the Digital Citizenship Program Team

November 13, 2023 - Noticias
Last week, between November 8th and 10th, two valuable academic meetings in the social sciences took place in Santiago. On one hand, the IX INCOM Congress “Communication in Interdisciplinary Dialogue,” organized by the Chilean Association of Communication Researchers (INCOM) and the School of Journalism of the University Andrés Bello; and on the other hand, the...

Last week, between November 8th and 10th, two valuable academic meetings in the social sciences took place in Santiago. On one hand, the IX INCOM Congress “Communication in Interdisciplinary Dialogue,” organized by the Chilean Association of Communication Researchers (INCOM) and the School of Journalism of the University Andrés Bello; and on the other hand, the X COES International Conference “The Great Transformation: Past, Present, and Future of Conflict and Social Cohesion,” organized by the Center for Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies (COES) on its tenth anniversary.

The director of our Digital Citizenship Program, Luis Enrique Santana, and the coordinator Amaranta Alfaro, participated in both events, presenting some of their joint work.

As part of Session #1 of the Communication Axis, social networks, algorithms, and artificial intelligence, the academics from our program presented the preliminary results of the Qualitative Study Chile Kids Online, focusing on the theme “Generation Z: parental surveillance and resilience.”

“For many teenagers, the use of the Internet for social purposes has become a relevant part of their lives, interacting with their peers through various digital platforms. In this space, young people share sensitive information from a privacy standpoint, which has sparked controversy over how teenagers deal with online privacy,” explained Alfaro.

As part of the “Citizenship Building” panel of the Axis #2: Intergroup and Individual Foundations in Promoting Social Cohesion of the X COES International Conference, which took place on Wednesday, November 8th, they presented on “Technological Innovation and Power Distribution: Categorizing Digital Citizenship Initiatives in Latin America,” a research project carried out with Magdalena Claro Tagle and Rosemberg Franco from the Faculty of Education at UC.

“The possibilities and values of digital technologies are confronting traditional forms of social bonding and conflict resolution, generating new responses and dynamics outside the institutional sphere,” mentioned Santana.

In the panel, moderated by Daniel Miranda from MIDE UC, the following also presented: Óscar Pereira (UChile), who spoke about “School Practices for Citizen Formation under Law 20.911 in Chile”; Alejandro Marambio (UCM-COES) who presented the paper “Consumers or Citizens? Production of Critical Consumers, Collectivization, and Politicization through Consumer Cooperatives in Chile”; and Álvaro Jiménez (UDP) who presented on “The Impact of Social Protest on Mental Health.”

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