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Course: Educating in the Digital Age

Digital communication is an essential part of every aspect of the development of children and adolescents. Several practices in the digital environment pertaining to socialization, entertainment, identity formation and education, accelerated with the pandemic.

As educators in this new context, we receive multiple questions from parents and caregivers: How are children and adolescents using the internet and social media? How can we accompany them and help them minimize negative experiences and enhance the possibilities of new technologies? What practices and skills should we develop to combat disinformation? How can we promote the responsible use of digital media to revitalize citizen participation?

Course objectives:

  • Recognize the main characteristics of digital technologies and how they are interacting with the developmental needs of children and adolescents.
  • Identify the potential risks that children and adolescents face in their online interactions, and analyze prevention strategies.
  • Collect recommendations to support children and adolescents in their process of formation as digital citizens.

Aimed at:

Professionals who work in formal and non-formal education with children and adolescents. Mainly, but not exclusively, those in charge of school coexistence, counselors, psychologists, educational psychologists, social workers, language and communication teachers, civic education teachers, school principals, and others. Also, people who want to incorporate knowledge about digital communication into their work, which includes interaction with children, adolescents and families.