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September 10, 2024

Digital Citizen Chapter 2: Misinformation, Populism, and Democracy with Magdalena Browne

In the second chapter of Digital Citizen, we speak with Magdalena Browne, Dean of the School of Communications and Journalism, about the impacts of new information dissemination processes on contemporary democracies. Browne guides us through the main challenges facing our societies, addressing crucial concepts such as misinformation and populism, and questioning the role of various actors in the citizen relationship.

August 19, 2024

(Español) Educadores de Sierra Gorda -Antofagasta- se capacitan en Ciudadanía Digital

(Español) El Programa Formando Ciudadanía Digital de la UAI, impartió en colaboración con la Fundación País Digital y Spence BHP, el curso Educando en la Era Digital a docentes de la comuna de Sierra Gorda, Región de Antofagasta. Esta iniciativa buscó fortalecer la convivencia escolar digital y proveer herramientas a los educadores para abordar los desafíos y oportunidades que presenta el entorno digital en la formación de las nuevas generaciones.

July 2, 2024

Digital Citizen Ep. 1: Family Mediation and Parenting with María Josefina Escobar

Our first guest on the Digital Citizen podcast in which we dicuss about emerging technologies and their effects to ensure individual well-being and the health of our democracy, is Dr. María Josefina Escobar, a Psychotherapy researcher who actively participates in the Center for Research on Parenting, Care, and Childhood.

June 6, 2024

Digital Citizenship was present in the AI Training Program for the public sector alongside GobLab

(Español) Ciudadanía Digital expuso en el primer encuentro sincrónico online, seminario organizado por Asuntos del Sur para funcionarios del sector público en Latinoamérica y que busca conversar sobre la integración de la IA en esta área.

May 29, 2024

Digital Inequalities and Disinformation – Seminar – Viña del Mar

At the seminar organized by the Business School and the Piensa Foundation, academic Ellen Helsper addresses the phenomenon of socio-digital inequalities following the launch of her new book. The conversation featured the participation of Luis Santana, representing Fostering Digital Citizenship.

November 13, 2023

Parental Surveillance and Resilience in Chilean Youth, and Digital Citizenship in Latin America: The Themes that Marked the Presentations of the Digital Citizenship Program Team

Last week, between November 8th and 10th, two valuable academic meetings in the social sciences took place in Santiago. On one hand, the IX INCOM Congress “Communication in Interdisciplinary Dialogue,” organized by the Chilean Association of Communication Researchers (INCOM) and the School of Journalism of the University Andrés Bello; and on the other hand, the...

August 23, 2023

Instructors from our program will discuss Digital Citizenship and Fact-Checking at the Digital Communities TEC-UAI Panel Discussion

During this event, students from Mexico and Chile will participate simultaneously, joining the discussion on the vital intersections between technology, information, and responsible citizenship.

July 19, 2023

Digital Citizenship UAI presents at World Congress of Political Science in Argentina

The director of our program 'Formando Ciudadanía Digital', an academic from the School of Communications and Journalism at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, and an associated researcher of GobLab, Luis Enrique Santana, has recently conducted, in collaboration with various researchers, two investigations that contribute valuable data and reflections to this area: one on digital citizenship and another on CrowdLaw.

July 5, 2023

Luis E. Santana: ‘AI will only be useful to the extent that it is integrated into the system that benefits society’

"Las diferentes formas de inteligencia artificial no reemplazan a los humanos, son un instrumento. Este conjunto de tecnologías son herramientas que solo van a ser útiles en la medida en que se integren al sistema que beneficia a la sociedad”, enfatizó el académico.

June 1, 2023

(Español) Luis E. Santana dicta charla “Formando en la Era Digital” a equipo docente del Colegio Altamira de Peñalolén

(Español) “Sin duda, la participación de Luis logró abrir una conversación sumamente valiosa que como institución educativa Altamira nos comprometemos a seguir ampliando”, enfatizó Cynthia Fuentes, Directora de Innovación Educativa del Colegio Altamira, Cynthia Fuentes.
