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Digital Citizenship was present in the AI Training Program for the public sector alongside GobLab

June 6, 2024 - DestacadoNoticias
(Español) Ciudadanía Digital expuso en el primer encuentro sincrónico online, seminario organizado por Asuntos del Sur para funcionarios del sector público en Latinoamérica y que busca conversar sobre la integración de la IA en esta área.

Prominent figures from Latin America were present at the Synchronous Meeting organized by Asuntos del Sur, where GobLab UAI participated. Luis Santana, the director of our program, represented the organization and presented on the democratic system in the AI era, addressing its risks, benefits, and challenges.

Santana discussed key concepts related to this phenomenon, such as digital citizenship and the societal responsibility to protect individuals’ rights in the face of new technologies, ensuring their use contributes to better democracy and well-being. He also highlighted various initiatives by our program and other Latin American organizations aimed at practicing proper digital citizenship.

“What we do is use new technologies to add value to public services, without seeking to change institutions,” stated the director of FCD, demonstrating that these initiatives encompass characteristics of public and social innovation, transformative potential, and the emancipatory hybrid capacity of technologies.

From Peru, Giannina Patricia Gamio Franco, in charge of the Undersecretariat of Digital Policy and Regulation within the Secretariat of Government and Digital Transformation, discussed various initiatives to address the new technologies phenomenon. This includes a public consultation to gather contributions, comments, and suggestions for the draft regulations of Law No. 31814, which promotes the use of Artificial Intelligence for the country’s economic and social development.

Also present were Matías Bianchi, director of Asuntos del Sur, an organization designing and implementing political innovations to develop egalitarian, inclusive, and participatory democracies, and Constanza Gómez Mont, founder of C Minds and the Global Council of Women for Ethical AI at UNESCO. She has also been involved in various projects, including co-developing the first global regulatory instrument for AI ethics, led by UNESCO and signed by 193 countries.

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